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TMJ Therapy


TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which is the bone structure, muscles and connective tissues that surround the jaw and control chewing. When patients experience disorders of this joint, they are said to have a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD.

90% of all pain in the body comes from muscles. Since the muscles of head and neck are all related to or affected by the bite or jaw relationship, it is critical to consider muscle comfort in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who suffer with bite issues. Traditional dental education still focuses on the relationship between upper and lower teeth combined with the jaw point position but completely misses scientific evaluation of the musculature.

When addressing any system, it is essential to evaluate all of the system _____ the teeth joints and muscles and various soft tissues.
The neuromuscular approach is the most complete perspective as it blends all three of these components starting with objective data to evaluate the function and comfort of the muscles.


Common Symptoms

  • Facial pain
  • Back, neck, cervical pain
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Tingling in fingers and hands
  • Clenching/bruxing
  • Insomnia -difficulty sleeping
  • Pain in the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joints
  • The jaw locking open or closed
  • Pain behind the eyes – dagger and ice pick feelings
  • Sinus-like symptoms
  • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, and ear congestion
  • Visual Disturbances
  • Multiple bites that feels uncomfortable or, “off,” and continually changing
  • Deviation of the jaw to one side
  • ‘Migraine’ pain
  • Headaches (tension type)
  • Tender sensitive teeth to cold
  • Postural problems (forward head posture)
  • Opening of the mouth (commonly known as “Locked Jaw”)
  • Pain in the face
  • Pain in the occipital (back), temporal (side), frontal (front), or sub-orbital (below the eyes)
  • Jaw joint pain
testi-1 "Dr. Barbon and staff continues to show excellent professionalism and comfort to any type of procedures needed."
testi-2 "Dr. Barbon’s office is new and fresh. He has modern equipments and you can even watch a movie while getting your teeth worked on."
testi-3 "The receptionist and the rest of the staff are really friendly and personable. I brought a book with me just in case I have to wait, but they called me in right away. I did not have to wait!"
testi-4 "He did my root canal and crown the same day and stayed late on Saturday also Connie the front desk manager is very nice and friendly!!!!!"
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