Flossing is a vital part of an effective oral health care routine, which is part of why you’ll always hear your dentist harping on it during your check-ups. While many of us strive to floss regularly, it can be something that gets passed over in a rush or just out of sheer laziness. Unfortunately, this allows plaque and debris to build up between our teeth that leads to decay and the beginnings of gum disease. Even for those who floss regularly, they may not be certain that they’re doing it correctly, which can mean that all their work is really going to waste. If you want to start working on your flossing habits and make sure you’re doing it correctly, read on!
Getting Ready To Flossing
first step in flossing successfully requires you to have an idea of
what you need to do. There are a broad variety of flosses you can
buy down at the pharmacy, ranging from flavored and waxed flosses to
completely plain ones. There are also tools that you can get to make
the whole process easier, including floss that’s pre-strung to make
it easier to clean between your teeth. Make sure whatever floss or
tool you’re using is recognized by the American Dental Association
to be safe!
Use The Right Amount Of Floss
thing that isn’t clearly understood by many people is how much
floss is the correct amount to use while cleaning between one’s
teeth. The answer has a lot to do with comfort, but the default may
be more than you expect. 18” of floss is generally a good place to
start, with both ends wrapped around the same finger on opposite
hands. This gives you enough floss to get between your teeth, and to
use a clean piece of floss for every tooth. Just leave 1-2 inches
free between your fingers for each tooth.
Alright, so we’ve gotten you all set up so now it’s time to start getting between those teeth! Using the 1-2” of floss strung between your fingers as mentioned above you’re going to move the floss back and forth over the gap in your teeth until it slips down inside. Use enough pressure to get it in there, but not so much that it snaps down and impacts your gum. Being too aggressive with flossing can result in bleeding gums, so take care!
All The Angles
aren’t straight with smooth surfaces, they have complex shapes that
make them able to do their jobs. This means that they can be kind of
difficult to clean, but that’s where angles come in. While you’re
cleaning your teeth with floss make sure to angle the floss in a way
that lets it wrap around the tooth and get the front and back, making
a sort of C shape. This will ensure that you get rid of all the
plaque that has built up on your teeth.
By following this guide you’ve established a healthy and effective
habit of cleaning your teeth with floss. The next thing to do is
make sure that you see your dentist on a regular basis for a more
in-depth cleaning and care for other dental concerns. Pick up the
phone and call Dr. Reynaldo Barbon for an appointment in Pasadena CA
at Superb Dental Care to start your routine of regular dental